Saturday, August 14, 2010

certain harsh aspects (w/hopeful denouemont)

While living out of the U.S. for a year has its great merits, there are certain things that make us well up with tears at the thought of leaving. Being so far from the family & friends is high on the list, of course, that’s why we’ve tried to visit so many of our loved ones before taking off. We compose this in Burlington, Vermont, after a week of spending the q.t. with KM’s sister and family.
and w/ Julio's big sister's family in Maryland

But something else important to us is the music of our favorite singers, particularly in concert. Chief among them is Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy. Don’t let the name fool you, allow it to give you strong clues to the mad frolicking mystery of Bonnie’s singular brand of folk.

BPB, staking territorial claims of our collective heart

BK, our man in Oly, provided me recently with a review of a BPB concert in Seattle we had to miss due to our absence. Our hearts flooded with covetous joy at the thought of experiencing the wily Bonnie making melodic mischief in our presence. I reprint here, with no permission, the main point of the review:


best concert ever last night.


When it comes down to it, the things we remember and hold dear are the seemingly minor. The familiar streets we walk to work, the cafes who know your drink before you order it, the evenings spent at the dinner table perfecting a ridiculous joke about goats and kidnapping, geeking out over the music we dig. You get the gist. Despite our melancholy, we know new found gems await in Korea. There are rumors of KM and Julio finding a hot rhythm section and starting a SoKo pop rock group. Perhaps we aren't breaking into teaching, but pop stardom. Look out, Bonnie.  


  1. We will not allow tears in the sanctuary of our hearts but memories divine in our thoughts.
